Dr. Louise Le Barbenchon
CNRS, Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (I2M)
Talence, France
louise.le-barbenchon[at sign]u-bordeaux.fr
Check out my Google Scholar profile or my ORCID page for an up-to-date list of my publications.
An open version of my articles can be found on the HAL website.
In situ characterisation of dynamic fracture in Al2O3 using ultra-fast X-ray phase contrast radioscopy: effects of porosity and crack speed, International Journal of Fracture
The Crack Growth Resistance of Polymeric Cellular Materials Studied With a Quasi‐Brittle Approach, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures
A review on the mechanical behaviour of microcellular and nanocellular polymeric foams: What is the effect of the cell size reduction?, Journal of Cellular Plastics
Influence of the microstructure on the compressive behaviour of porous aluminas: From microstructural characterisation to fracture mechanisms, Journal of European Ceramic Society
On the dynamic performance of additively manufactured visco-elastic meta-materials, Materials Letters
Strain rate effect on the compressive behaviour of a thick cellular structural adhesive, Materials Letters
Influence of the loading regime on the uniaxial compressive behaviour of density graded Citrus Maxima peel, Materials Letters
From bio-sourced to bio-inspired cellular materials: A review on their mechanical behavior under dynamic loadings, Materials Letters
Elastically anisotropic architected metamaterials with enhanced energy absorption, Thin-Walled Structures
A thick cellular structural adhesive: Identification of its behavior under shear loading, Materialia
3D printed tubular lattice metamaterials for mechanically robust stents, Composites Part B.
Supercritical CO2-assisted Extrusion Foaming: a Suitable Process to Produce Very Lightweight Acrylic Polymer Micro Foams, Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Energy Absorption Capacity of Agglomerated Cork Under Severe Loading Conditions, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials
Bioinspired multilayered cellular composites with enhanced energy absorption and shape recovery, Additive Manufacturing
Reinforcement of cellular materials with short fibres: Application to a bio-based cork multi-scale foam, Mechanics of Materials
PhD thesis manuscript (in french)