Dr. Louise Le Barbenchon
CNRS, Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (I2M)
Talence, France
louise.le-barbenchon[at sign]u-bordeaux.fr
Bioinspiration comes from the idea that many engineering solutions (a technical solution given specifications) are already available in the world surrounding us. Indeed in many cases, evolution already did the job [1]. The main strategy observed in biomaterials (materials found in nature) to obtain multifunctionality (lightness along with mechanical or thermal properties) is a hierarchical structuration.
Applied to impact protections and shock mitigation, the study of biological structure could give us hints for new architectured structures.
Current research
I am focusing my current research on the Citrus Maxima. Wait a little to know more...
[1] Bréchet, Y. 2015. The Science of Materials: from Materials Discovered by Chance to Customized Materials : Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 17 January 2013. Paris : Collège de France. doi :10.4000/books.cdf.3641