Dr. Louise Le Barbenchon
CNRS, Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (I2M)
Talence, France
louise.le-barbenchon[at sign]u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Louise
Le Barbenchon
CNRS Associate researcher,
Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (I2M), Talence, France
Hi everyone! My name is Louise Le Barbenchon. I am a CNRS researcher at the I2M laboratory in Bordeaux, France. I come from Material Engineering but thanks to my PhD work on the mechanical behavior of cork-based materials, I fell in love with understanding how materials come to have such a huge range of mechanical properties.
My current research is focused on understanding why the mechanical behavior of architectured materials changes with the sollicitation speed. In parallel to a quite fundamental research approach, I wish to study biological systems like the pommelo that have evolved over millions of years to resist to impacts and crash.
Check out my research and publications page for more details, or my Google Scholar profile for all my papers.

Last publications
In situ characterisation of dynamic fracture in Al2O3 using ultra-fast X-ray phase contrast radioscopy: effects of porosity and crack speed, International Journal of Fracture, 2025
A review on the mechanical behaviour of microcellular and nanocellular polymeric foams: What is the effect of the cell size reduction?, Journal of Cellular Plastics, 2024