Dr. Louise Le Barbenchon
CNRS, Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (I2M)
Talence, France
louise.le-barbenchon[at sign]u-bordeaux.fr
2024 - 2028
Project supported by the french research agency Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A methodology based on experimental and numerical tools will be developed to be able to conclude on the role of the density gradient of Citrus Maxima peel in its mechanical energy absorption properties and on the relevance of continuous density gradients in the energy absorption properties of bioinspired structures in dynamic regime.

Project supported by the CEA and the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Influence of the porosity rate and shape on the mechanical behavior of alumina under dynamic loadings
2021 - 2024
Cellular Adhesives
2021 - 2024
Mechanical behavior of thick cellular adhesives
Article: A thick cellular structural adhesive: Identification of its behavior under shear loading

PEPS project supported by the CNRS-Ingénierie
3D multi-scale characterization of the pomelo peel and mechanical characterization under dynamic loads
2023 - 2026
Collaborative project with Australian academic partners (UNSW) and industrial partners (Grims, Thiot and KNDS)
co-funded by the European Union
Mechanical behavior of casted metallic architectured structures
under dynamic loadings
PhD student: Manish Kumar

2023 - 2026
Collaborative project supported by the CEA
Mechanical Behavior of Interpenetrating Phase Composites under Dynamic Loadings
PhD student: Paul Jabin Echeveste